Friday, February 22, 2008

The Roaring Twenties.- A good or a bad thing?

By the beginning of the nineteen-twenty's , World War One was over. The war had changed the United States in a big way. Despite the fact that the United States did not join the League of Nations or the failure of Woodrow Wilson after the war, the United States arose as a major economic and military power. People wanted more than anything a return to normality concerning politics. Economically after the war, the United States faced a period of prosperity.
The period in which the United States encountered various kinds of cultural, social, and artistic innovations was called " The Roaring Twenties" ( 1920-1929). During this period a big economic boom faced the United States. The people, to extend the economy, made a big impact when consumerism vastly increased due to the many inventions during that period; For example, before this period not many people owned a car, but thanks to Ford's famous assembly line made the process faster, therefore cheaper and more affordable to the public. Additionally, human intellect arose: Albert Einstein's relativity theory. Technology was improved, or invented as well. Unfortunately not everything was pleasing, for the "Roaring twenties" experienced social ,economic, and cultural alterations that affected the lives of Americans.
Disputes over the rural versus urban attitudes were created. Rural areas were guided by tradition, and the cities were looked at by the rural public as corrupted and sinful. What small-town people looked at as a provocative lifestyle, the drinking in the cities was the "thing". Even after Prohibition. Even women in the cities were different. The way they dressed was very different from women in the rural areas. What became know as " Flappers", were women wearing make-up and smoking.
Citizens also grew concerned about communism. In what became known as the "Red Scare", fear swept the country for the feeling that communism could spread after the success of the Russian Revolution in 1917. People also reacted against local radicals , union members, socialist and immigrants. AS a result of increase of nativist sentiment, groups such as the KKK were reestablished to fight against Eastern Europeans, catholics, Jews, unions, and African Americans. Foreigners, such as Sacco and Vanzetti , were victims of nativist fear due to their ethnicity and political views. Not even if the need for cheap labor was big, anxiety about immigrants caused various legislations to be passed in order to minimize immigration impacts to the U.S.
Religion, still in the hearts of the rural citizens, was put a question mark when in the city, ideas based in science about the creation of man were rationalized. In the Scopes Monkey trial, prosecuted by W. J. Bryan tried to settle the dispute of whether the theory of evolution should be taught at schools.
This conflicts were mainly driven by the concern from the citizens on what was adequate and appropriate for the sake nation's status. Unfortunately, all things must come to and end. By the year 1929, those great and not so great times would be over. For the next period would be that involving the Great depression were even those who prospered during the "roaring twenties" would have to go down.

1 comment:

Mr. Brush said...

Either you're in a slump or you're not as concentrtaed on writing as you used to be. Your first paragraph for instance was lacking in a substantial pretext. It was flippant, and not deep at all. Your thesis appeared in the beginning of the second paragraph but the essay becomes better as it rolls on.