Friday, October 26, 2007

Mr. Jefferson.

Thomas Jefferson was the third president of the United States. He served two terms, from 1801 to 1809. He was also the principal author of the Declaration of Independence in 1776. He helped to promote the ideas of Republicanism, since he was the leader of the Democratic- Republican party. His presidency could be seen as satisfactory in domestic affairs policies and actions which took part mostly on his first term; Though during his second term, he had difficulty dealing with foreign affairs policies and actions.
Throughout his first term, surprisingly, Jefferson maintained the federalist domestic and foreign policies such as the Bank of the United States and Hamilton's debt repayment plan. He also wanted to remain apart from international alliances and maintain the nations neutrality. In addition, internal taxes were reduced, military budget was cut and government size was reduced.
His most important accomplishment involving foreign affairs, was the decision he made concerning the Louisiana Purchase of 1803, which he conducted despite not having authorization by constitutional amendment. The opportunity came when Napoleon was in a big need for money to defend his territory, and he offered to sell the Louisiana territory to the United States, who paid only $15 million. Regretting this offer would have changed the history of the United States from what it is now, since the size of the U.S. almost doubled in size after the acquisition of this land.
This vast amount of territory needed to be explored; Jefferson organized an expedition led by Meriwether Lewis and William Clark. This individuals helped gather information of this "new" land. This was a helpful move by Jefferson to start a westward expansion.
After his re-election in 1804, Jefferson was faced with foreign affairs, in which he did not have a pleasant experience. In North Africa, a coastal nation known as Barbary States were seizing international ships and holding their crews for ransom. United States ships were susceptible to be attacked, as a result, the United States pay the pirates to protect their ships; It wasn't until the United States defeated the pirates in 1805, that the damages stopped.
To make things worst, relations with France and Britain also worsened. The conflict between the French and British intensified, which resulted in irregularity in of the American shipping. The British tried to stop trade between the U.S. and France by adopting various tactics such as capturing of American ships and forcing the sailors into the British navy. Jefferson, instead of opting for war against one or both nations, decided to punish the British and French through a series of acts. The most significant was the Embargo Act of 1809, which attempted to force respect for U.S. neutrality by ending all foreign trade. Unfortunately, for Jefferson, the act was a total failure since it hurt more than it helped the United States.
Jefferson's presidency was weak most likely because he was the president of a young, developing nation of which he was only the third president. This means that he did not have much to learn from the experiences of the only two previous presidents, George Washington and John Adams. However, we can also say that his presidency was an admirable one, since he did make a risky move defying the constitution: the purchase of the Louisiana territory, which came out to be a great success. He can also be recognized as one of the founding fathers of America for his big contributions that helped developed this country.


Mr. Brush said...
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Mr. Brush said...


Good work except for not mentioning anything about the marshall Court and the Bank of the United States.