Sunday, September 23, 2007

Radical,moderates, or conservatives?

The first and second continental congress were shaped by different opinions from three parties. Each faction providedconvincing arguments for their positions. However, the one that was most persuasive and effective in achieving its goals were the radicals due to their beliefs about separation from England and rights of the colonist such as liberty.
"When in the course of human events it becomes neccesary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another" - Thomas Jefferson; This quote is the first line of the famed Declaration of Independence, but it also helps describe one of the beliefs of the radicals that would eventually come to pass. In contrast with the moderates and the conservatives, the radicals believed that America needed to liberate itself from England and the many actions they tooked, including the Boston tea party, the declaration of rights and grievances and eventually the war leading to their succes.
A big help for the radicals, was the support they got for from the people, for example: they promised freedom to slaves if they helped. The radicals were the most succesfulbecause of their belief in liberty, the support from the citizens and their want to be free from Engand.

1 comment:

Mr. Brush said...

You cannot write anymore of these short essays. You will not do very well on the AP exam if you continue this route. I'm giving you a passing grade due to the fact that you used the template I asked you to use and because you gave me something. Your essay needs to have a body and writing short essays will never give it's justice.