Saturday, September 15, 2007


English colonies in the New World were different from one another in terms of government, population and origin.
Colonies such as Pennsylvania, Rhode Island and Maryland, were started for religious freedom. The Duke of Baltimore established the colony of Maryland after he had reccently converted to Catholism and wanted to establish a colony for the English colonist who were mistreated by the Anglican church. In Rhode Islan, Roger Williams established what is belived to be the first Baptist Church in America, in addition, he made Rhode Island more liberal than any other English settlements; He sheltered abused Quakers although he strongly disagreed with their views.
Other Colonies such as Massachusets Bay, were started for economic reasons, as well as New Netherland which was established as the base for the Dutch and French fur trade. Another reason why colonies were established was to serve as penal colonies, like Georgia.
Massachusetts and other mid- atlantic colonies tended to have a higher population due to the freedoms which made the number of immigratns increase. Furthermore, the unhealthy conditions of the south helped the north have a higher population.
As time passed in the colonies, economic, class, recial and political divisions would come to existance. Each of these would become especific to certain colonies and set these apart even further.

Happy "birthay" to ur daughter MB!


Mr. Brush said...
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Mr. Brush said...
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Mr. Brush said...

Thanks for the Birthday salutations.

Your essay is problomatic though. Your thesis is simple but too consicise-meaning that you do not delve into specifics about the paragraphs that you'll be writing about. The essay told the real story and that is you don't know what you're writing about. You need to be clear as to the progress of the founding of Mass Bay. Yes it was started for economic reasons but eventuall when more Puritans arrived to quickly ended up being a theocracy. Georgia was the only penal colony and the mention of Georgia has NO place in this essay-at all.
You barely mentioned population and no mention of the type of government. Mass Bay and Rhode Island could have been mentioned at this point.
To summarize: your essay was sloppy and unbecoming for a person of your potential and character.
It was too short also.