Sunday, September 30, 2007

Radicals, moderates, or conservatives? 2

The first and second continental congresses were shaped by different opinions from different parties.Each faction provided convincing arguments for their positions. However, the one that was most persuasive and effective in achieving its goals were the radicals, due to their belief that the relationship between England and the colonies had come to an end and there was no return; They also believed in freedom for the people.
"When in the course of human events, it becomes neccessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with one another"- Thomas Jefferson. This quote is the first line of the famed Declaration of Independence, but it also helps describe one of the beliefs of the radicals. They though parliament did not have any authority to tax the colonist.
In contrast with the moderates and conservatives, the radicals believed that America needed to liberate itself from England. In fact, the failure of the conservative Galloway Plan, which would bring back the status of the colonies and England as it was before the French And Indian War, opened the doors for the radicals to take control of actions.
Radicals were clearly the most succesful out of the three parties. This was due to the unity and the convincing arguments they had. An example of this unity would be the Boston Tea Party as well as the Minute Man, who were armed residents from Massachussets that wera ready to respond to a moments notice.
The ultimate goals of the radicals, to be free from England and freedom for the people, would be favored by later events such as the successful American Revolution and the Declaration of Independence.

Sunday, September 23, 2007

Radical,moderates, or conservatives?

The first and second continental congress were shaped by different opinions from three parties. Each faction providedconvincing arguments for their positions. However, the one that was most persuasive and effective in achieving its goals were the radicals due to their beliefs about separation from England and rights of the colonist such as liberty.
"When in the course of human events it becomes neccesary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another" - Thomas Jefferson; This quote is the first line of the famed Declaration of Independence, but it also helps describe one of the beliefs of the radicals that would eventually come to pass. In contrast with the moderates and the conservatives, the radicals believed that America needed to liberate itself from England and the many actions they tooked, including the Boston tea party, the declaration of rights and grievances and eventually the war leading to their succes.
A big help for the radicals, was the support they got for from the people, for example: they promised freedom to slaves if they helped. The radicals were the most succesfulbecause of their belief in liberty, the support from the citizens and their want to be free from Engand.

Saturday, September 15, 2007


English colonies in the New World were different from one another in terms of government, population and origin.
Colonies such as Pennsylvania, Rhode Island and Maryland, were started for religious freedom. The Duke of Baltimore established the colony of Maryland after he had reccently converted to Catholism and wanted to establish a colony for the English colonist who were mistreated by the Anglican church. In Rhode Islan, Roger Williams established what is belived to be the first Baptist Church in America, in addition, he made Rhode Island more liberal than any other English settlements; He sheltered abused Quakers although he strongly disagreed with their views.
Other Colonies such as Massachusets Bay, were started for economic reasons, as well as New Netherland which was established as the base for the Dutch and French fur trade. Another reason why colonies were established was to serve as penal colonies, like Georgia.
Massachusetts and other mid- atlantic colonies tended to have a higher population due to the freedoms which made the number of immigratns increase. Furthermore, the unhealthy conditions of the south helped the north have a higher population.
As time passed in the colonies, economic, class, recial and political divisions would come to existance. Each of these would become especific to certain colonies and set these apart even further.

Happy "birthay" to ur daughter MB!

Wednesday, September 5, 2007

AP U.S History

I chose to take AP U.S history because I wanted to have at least one AP class in my curriculum for college and because I get a college credit for taking this class.